Welcome 2017!
January 12, 2017 - Author: Barbara Le - No Comments- The coops suffered some losses in 2016, that have left their mark. I lost Jackie, Greta, Speckles & Funky May. Funky May was 6, Jackie was 4, Speckles only 3 and Greta also 3. Greta lost her life to a hawk, but I was close enough to scare it off and it didn’t carry her away. That was a first for me how fast it happened.
Martha, Sammi & Flower are my only original hens left. They still lay at 7 years old and I enjoy interacting with them, as they just “know the drill” Emmy Lou is with them, along with newcomer Janis “Janny” who is a olive egg layer. She’s just a baby and started laying in Novemeber. Her eggs are amazing in color.
I began this year, buying a small 3 egg incubator and found a man named Lou in Smithfield RI who raises Amerucana’s and Black Cooper Marans. I have received 3 eggs from him on January 9th and I have my fingers crossed this is a success. Certainly cheaper than online these days. We have such good breeders in our area seems silly to spend all the money on shipping.
So cheers 2017!
Categories: feathers