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Aftermath of Nemo

February 9, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

3 eggs AM-We ended up with about 26″ of snow, the coop was not safe from the snow, the winds were so high snow got into the vents under the eaves, not alot, but still. Run got lots of drifts and the flock is up in the coop not liking the snow. I put a bowl of water in the coop for them, and gave them some lettuce mix.


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“Nemo” blizzard

February 8, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

5 eggs AM-This morning I locked the flock down as best I could, but the winds are blowing sideways leaving parts of the run collecting drifts. The girls seem to be ok, a bit snow on their backs. I put the food up in the coop to keep it from getting wet, and hopefully they figure it out.  Hard to say how much snow, because it’s blowing so hard. We have another 12 hours to go, hope they are ok

A few photos from yesterday when I let them free range for awhile





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Pending Storm

February 7, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

2 eggs AM-The flock is frisky today, like all of us, they smell spring in the air, or is that a pending snow storm? Temps still very chilly teens/low 20’s. Treats were what is called a “sping mix” which is a bunch of different lettuces and spinachs. Before I had even finished the chores it was 1/2 gone. I will probably let them out today to free range, with the storm approaching, they might be penned up for awhile. Going out for coffee and a walk with my friend Lisa. I’ll take my camera you never know what is out there

I saw this photo today, I hope we don’t get this much snow!

deer in snow

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Clear skies

February 6, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

2 eggs AM. Today is still cold. A fluff of snow fell, looking much like the fake stuff you buy in the store. Kinda pretty, but I feel I am over winter. Girls all doing well, I noticed them on the south side of the run basking in the sun. No treats today, which they complained about. I’ll buy them something today.

Working on the web blog tomorrow, I noticed the paypal went down as did the facebook connect. Have to figure a few things out and maybe even change the theme. Sad about that because I like the way it looks, but I can find another.

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Let the Sun in!

February 4, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

3 eggs AM Today the sun is shining and it just feels brighter. Spring is on the way! Treats of baby spinach and wheat bread in the suet feeder, they truly love that thing, I’ll have to get video of them, it’s comical how they bicker over the pieces.  Every night we’ve had brief flurries, and this morning awoke to sparkling snow. Pretty but I want to see green!


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Bitter Cold

February 3, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

NO eggs am! Ol’ man winter doesn’t want to let go! Groundhog didn’t see his shadow yesterday, so winter should be leaving town soon I hope. I think the girls are finally on a spring schedule, I do see feathers falling maybe some are molting or they just figured out they can lay in the daytime. They got organic baby spinach today, normally reserved for my smoothies, but I gave them a treat. They love the suet feeder and now expect to pick at it all day. Been empty every morning since I started using it. Super Bowl is today.


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Sunny with Flurries

February 1, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

The weather can’t make up it’s mind today, one second heavy flurries the next second warm sunshine. Battle between old man winter and young ms. spring. 6 egg day. I had to go to a farmer’s market meeting last night and I hate to bother the flock at night, so a couple leftover eggs from yesterday. Light bulb broke, the water was frozen, so had to change the bulb and thaw out the water container. Have to remember to pick up some bulbs. The cinder block is just a bit low for the bulb. All is well, simple fix. Treats of kale, spinach and ends of the artisan bread I made a couple days ago.

Let Rohan run around a bit and he tried to double back and when I called he came! That’s a first but a great sign. He needs to stretch those little corgi legs.


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Wild Weather

January 31, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

The weather today is brutal, extreme winds and heavy rains. The temps are nice and warm, but a huge puddle has formed under the coop where they’ve made a dust bath. Come spring we will have to address this problem. Flock is looking good except for a few wet feathers. Trees are breaking as I type. They really are enjoying pecking at the suet feeder, think it’ll become my new vehicle for treats.


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January 30, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

ZYikes, zero to 50F. The snow is melting and the fog has moved in. It does feel great, if the fog wasn’t so thick. usual treats wheat bread ends and spinach and some fresh kale. I did offer them a challenge and put the spinach and kale in the suet feeder so they could pick at it all day. Star boots made all the difference today




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32 Degrees and Melting

January 29, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

4 EGG day.  Weather is getting warmer, after another snow shower last night and tonight another little storm. Flock seems happy and well. Spinach on the menu. One egg in the run, we put up a temporary door inside the coop when it got so cold, I think it shifted scaring the chickens from going inside. We’ll have to remove that, so no eggs end up in the run again.

Made Boston Creme Cupcakes today.


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