Evolution Chicken or the Egg?
January 19, 2013 - Author: admin - No CommentsEvolution is progress-fuzz to feathers
There are plenty of reasons not to keep chickens: maintenance, care, feeding, money, housing, city laws, ignorance.
Break the mold I say!
Chickens are fascinating Watching them can take one to a trance like state, you wonder how they know what to eat, why to eat and all their quirky mannerisms. Their feathers are beautiful, and to me amazing. Nature has once again knocked it out of the park. You bring home these cute balls of fuzz, and within a month or 2 they have feathers!
It’s a very itchy process, but fun to watch as evolution takes over, and centuries of doing this over and over have perfected the speed of development for survival purposes, but also instincts passed down generation from generation, which completely baffles me. They came from an egg. Likely from a hatchery. No mother hen, no hens at all. Yet they have this ability to “just know what to do”
Categories: feathers