May 25, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky - No Comments3 egg am-On this wet memorial weekend, I decided to try my experiment in using the non-soy laying pellets by adding Organic Black Bean Tofu, with no GMO’s. I cut a slice off, cubed it and added it to the chicory endive greens, and gave it to them in the feeder. They LOVED it! They were all trying to get the most pushing each other out of the way! They tofu wasn’t that expensive ($2.19) and I think I can use that instead of the fruits. Win Win. I got it in the organic section of Market Basket if anyone is wondering.
Meanwhile the new kids on the block are doing great. made it through a night, and up and eating and drinking this morning. Unlike my other babies, these don’t seem to like the gro-gel, but I’ll offer it just so I know they are getting enough. Still haven’t named them yet. I got a Ameraucana, a California White, and a Wellsumer. Wellsumers were picked as the bird to survive the apocalypse, they are also the Kellog’s rooster. From this I will get blue, white and chocolate eggs.
Categories: feathers