Sunny with Flurries
February 1, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky - No CommentsThe weather can’t make up it’s mind today, one second heavy flurries the next second warm sunshine. Battle between old man winter and young ms. spring. 6 egg day. I had to go to a farmer’s market meeting last night and I hate to bother the flock at night, so a couple leftover eggs from yesterday. Light bulb broke, the water was frozen, so had to change the bulb and thaw out the water container. Have to remember to pick up some bulbs. The cinder block is just a bit low for the bulb. All is well, simple fix. Treats of kale, spinach and ends of the artisan bread I made a couple days ago.
Let Rohan run around a bit and he tried to double back and when I called he came! That’s a first but a great sign. He needs to stretch those little corgi legs.
Categories: feathers