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Wild Weather

January 31, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

The weather today is brutal, extreme winds and heavy rains. The temps are nice and warm, but a huge puddle has formed under the coop where they’ve made a dust bath. Come spring we will have to address this problem. Flock is looking good except for a few wet feathers. Trees are breaking as I type. They really are enjoying pecking at the suet feeder, think it’ll become my new vehicle for treats.


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January 30, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

ZYikes, zero to 50F. The snow is melting and the fog has moved in. It does feel great, if the fog wasn’t so thick. usual treats wheat bread ends and spinach and some fresh kale. I did offer them a challenge and put the spinach and kale in the suet feeder so they could pick at it all day. Star boots made all the difference today




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32 Degrees and Melting

January 29, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

4 EGG day.  Weather is getting warmer, after another snow shower last night and tonight another little storm. Flock seems happy and well. Spinach on the menu. One egg in the run, we put up a temporary door inside the coop when it got so cold, I think it shifted scaring the chickens from going inside. We’ll have to remove that, so no eggs end up in the run again.

Made Boston Creme Cupcakes today.


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Crunchy Snow

January 27, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

4 eggs AM-It looks like the brutal arctic blast has finally broken. I’m not going to proclaim it is warm outside, but oddly 15 degrees feels warmer than minus zeros. The wind has picked up again making what could be a better day into a freezing day again. “Crunchy Snow Days” Flock got a nice batch of warm kernel corn and stale sourdough bread. They love the bread, run around with it in their beaks playing “keep away” from each other. Happily clucking away as they search the ground for pieces.

Turned off the overhead light, as the nights aren’t getting below zero anymore.   I think it did what it was supposed to, and kept all the hens safe from frostbite. I know there are critics out there that think lights and such are unnecessary. maybe as I get past this winter and have a few under my belt I’ll feel safer leaving the flock to mother nature, but at present I just think this weather was too severe for even the strongest

Today is a “get things done day” Plans on assorted chores and baking some wonderful homemade bread


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Living for the weekend

January 26, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

2 eggs AM. The crisis is over and the weather has started to warm up. It’s in the 20’s today so I think the threat of frostbite is over (for now) All the spots I saw have gone away, and they are frisky and happy today. It was sort of scary, but the flock survived it.


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Finally Friday!

January 25, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

Today will be a test. I’ve decided to lock the flock in the coop for the day. The temps are still close to 0 (zero) but luckily the wind has dropped off a little. I surely will check on them throughout the day make sure all is well. It’s a spacious coop, but they’ve never had to all stay in there at once (expect at night when they are all sleeping) I don’t see much choice other than let them get frostbite and lose their combs and toes. They’ll soon forget this and spring will be here


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1-24-2013 con’t

January 24, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

I brought Martha inside and gave her a warm bath. I decided to set up the basement just in case, and changed out the light blub for the brooder bulb which is much warmer. I tried to block them into the warm coop, but they protested and broke down the barrier and got back into the run. Their combs looked a bit more red and healthy than this morning, I am not sure I can do much else than to keep aan eye on them and hope for the best. Tonight we’ll lock them into the coop, because I think with the light on 24/7 they are forgetting to go back up into the coop and then they are getting cold.

I was thinking how one of my first memories was when we made snowflakes cutting them out of paper in school, and someone told me each snowflake was different. I remember looking under a microscope and seeing them, I was smitten by design and nature even at a young age. I always loved frost too, I think it’s so pretty.


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sub degree temps

- Author: Fallen sky

This morning was the worst yet, minus 7,  and the flock is not doing so well. Warmed corn, bread and warm water, warming light in coop does not seem enough. Water was frozen this morning, that’s bad. Took off the pan between the light and the water. Hopefully that solves the problem

Martha has one point of her comb showing signs of frostbite I took her inside and sat her in  warm water and massaged her comb. Clara also showing spots. Do I take them into the basement and block them in one room? Egg cracked again. Read this is fairly common. I’ll take a look at the basement and see if this is possible. I’d hate for them to freeze when I can help them. We had them in this room as chicks, but back then they were small.

Rohan sleeping on my lap as I type. He can be such a marshmallow when he’s sleepy. he’s out like a light and snoring


Pic: Rohan on the porch


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Old Man Winter

January 23, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

2 eggs this AM. One of them was cracked. Beyond cold, wind chill reaching -10 this morning. Last night Carl turned on the heat lamp, a low voltage light, generally used for reptiles  but seems to work well for our chickens. They all seem frisky and happy which is great and no signs of frostbite on their combs, wattles or feet.

I fed them a can of Libby’s corn, warmed in the microwave for 25 seconds, I just throw it in and they have to run around and find it, good exercise and corn helps raise their body temps. Along with luke warm water and their usual layer pellets. The lamp will stay on till the cold  weather breaks.



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January 22, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky

To say it is cold out is an understatement!  It takes no more than 10 minutes to feed and water the flock, but even that was too much for my lightly gloved hands! As I went to look for eggs I could feel my finger tips ache. Gave them bread and luke warm water today. It’s the type of day that frostbite is a reality. The cold itself is bad, but add wind, is a perfect recipe for ol’ man winter. Not fit for man or animal. Be on the lookout for signs in your flock! If caught quick, you can give them a warm bath, and get the blood flowing back into the affected areas.



(photo not of my flock)

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