2-26-2013 Warmer
February 26, 2013 - Author: Fallen sky - No Comments4 eggs AM- The morning was much warmer, and things have begun to melt. Another pending storm on the horizon makes this news of warmer weather fluff in the big down pillow. Flock is happy, broccoli and bread for treats and I cleaned out the coop, which I had been piling it up in the corner during the cold snap, mostly because the compost bin was full and the cold wasn’t allowing it to do what compost does. Along with nice clean digs, the girls got a fresh coat of Sweet PDZ. What is Sweet PDZ you ask? The most awesome stuff on the planet! No, but really it is “Horse Stall Refreshener”
Here’s a coupon!
I also use it in my cat box and anywhere there is animal “smell” Makes the animals happy and you happy too!
Categories: feathers